Why would graphic artists be willing to give away their beautiful images that they worked so hard to create? I'm sure that their motivation is the hope that someone will be introduced to their work through the freebie and end up buying their products. That's how it's supposed to work - sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. This time it worked. I loved the desktop layout of Anna and Ginny (see previous post), which was a freebie from Scrapbook Dimensions Magazine and Scrapbook Graphics. I loved it so much that I really wanted to have a copy of it in high resolution that would be the quality necessary to print - the desktop graphic was not that kind of quality. So, I purchased the kit and reconstructed the layout from scratch - that's called a scraplift, and it's perfectly legal as long as you give credit to the original designer - thank you Birgit Kerr and Flergs for the desktop design from the Autumn Glory kit.View on Smug Mug
This is not my typical style of scrapbooking with all of the layers of elements around the frame and this much "white space." Jim says, "It seems like there should be more picture and less area around it.", but I like the results, and it was fun to try to duplicate a beautiful design. I think it turned out pretty well!
The Loss of Grandpa
6 years ago
beautiful indeed! I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone and try a different style too. Great page.
I love how your layout turned out! This kit is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for being inspired by our wallpaper at Scrapbook Dimensions Magazine.
Ohhh I like how it turned out too! Great scraplift!! It's a good thing to try and step out of your style everyone once in a while and try something different ... it can give you beautiful results!
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