February 13, 2011

I Love being a Tech Saavy Grandma!

I love that Sarah shares pictures of her Grandma adventures with Anna and Simeon! Here are the most recent ones from their Valentine's making craft session on Thursday.O.K., so maybe there was a twinge of jealousy when I saw these adorable pictures. I want to make Valentines with my grandbabies, too! But, then I remember the fun time Anna and I had making her Thanksgiving turkey and have to realize that being the far-a-way grandma has its advantages and disadvantages. After all, we got to have Anna and Simeon here for a whole week at Thanksgiving, and they may be here for even longer this summer - a time that I look forward to with great anticipation.

But, in the meantime, I am so thankful for our modern technology! Yesterday, we spent nearly an hour on Facetime (using Jim's and Peter's iTouches for video conferences.) Anna showed us her books that she got at the library in the morning. It reminded me of some books that I have been buying for when they visit us again. But, then it dawned on me - I don't have to wait until they visit! I can read them to her real time - right here - right now! And, I did! Anna could see the books as I read and was able to answer questions that I asked her about the story and illustrations! She kept asking for "another one!"One of the books I read was "Quienes Ponen Huevos?" - "Who Lays Eggs?" I asked her if she wanted to read in English or Spanish. She answered quickly, "English!" At the end of our reading time Ginny came to say goodbye and told me that she and Peter had rested together in the recliner while Anna and I had our reading time!

So, even though we are the "far-a-way" grandparents, technology helps bring us closer than we could have ever imagined - isn't technology great?


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the technology, Tina. My mom wishes this modern technology had been around when we moved here from Switzerland in 1963. Phone calls were too expensive, so snail mail was the only communication option with our relatives. Anna and Simeon are blessed to have a high-tech long-distance Grandma. I'd love to meet them this summer and teach them to say, "Bis ruig, si (Grandma) isch da!" :)

Ginny said...

Hi Grandma,
This message is from Anna:
I miss you. I want to do nap time at your house. I miss Grandpa Jim. I really want to play at your house. I really want Grandma Tina to read me stories. I want to have lunch there. Simeon would like to come there. Daddy wants to come there too. Mommy wants to come to your house too. And, I want to read to myself there too. And, I like a room house. Our house is warm. I like goose cereal. I like granola cereal. I like going to a farm. I like going to my friends house. I like going to Gramma and Gramps house. I love you, Anna (typed by mommy)

sean said...

You might be Tech "Savy," but you're not Spelling "Saavy"... ;)