In my previous post I mentioned how privileged I am to have a son who is a graphic artist. That would be Patrick. More than once he's gotten me out of a jam when I needed to recolor or edit a picture or do something in Photoshop that I couldn't quite figure out.

But, I think I failed to mention how privileged I am to have two other sons as well. You see, Peter works for a company that studies and makes recommendations for long-term health care facilities. Now, that might not be important for Jim and me today, but give us a few years, and we're going to be wanting to personally be sure that those facilities are treating their patients well! Besides, right now, I'm pretty blessed that I have a son who is the father of our one and only, sweet, beautiful baby granddaughter, Anna Grace. Since I haven't mentioned recently how much I love and miss her, I thought it would be good to post a recent picture. This one was taken a couple of weeks ago when she was visiting the Minnesota Children's Museum on her 1st birthday.
Yes, Peter, and then there's Sean! I'm so fortunate to have a son who does silly things like travel to Colombia for a surprise visit. Besides, his job as an internal auditor for Dish Network just may hook us up with a Sling Box here in Cartagena. That could mean American football in English and real time American Idol!
So, what I really meant to say in that previous post was that I am so privileged to have THREE wonderful sons who are so talented in so many different ways! And, have I mentioned that we are all going to be together for Christmas in Colorado?! I can't wait!!
That's more like it! :)
It is great to have 3 boys, isn't it? I have your blog on my list to check up on what you and Jim are doing. Sounds like you are doing wonderful. I'll send you a link to our blog (I can't remember if I sent it to you before).
Tina Bossenbroek
Thanks for the blog comment, not sure if you got the card template at acot in the end or not? However my other store is back up and online (no thanks to the idiots at google! hmpf!). Anyway the card is here:
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